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Gender-Based Violence

Our role on GBV prevention and response

An image of women's hands palm-faced down touching fingertips in a circular position. Our global Gender-Based Violence (GBV) team provides strategic technical support to actors across the GBV ecosystem from donors to community-level women-led organisations. We are a multi-disciplinary team delivering programme design and implementation support, advocacy, research reports, MEL and helpdesk services.

Our team aspires to apply our feminist principles in all our work and to support sustained and transformative change. We partner with diverse stakeholders and we take an intersectional approach to our work on GBV prevention and response across development and humanitarian contexts.

Our work includes primary prevention programming, community-level response to GBV and SEAH, school-related GBV, GBV in Emergencies, Technology-Facilitated GBV, Violence against LGBTQI+ communities, and GBV in Climate and Economic programming.

Read more about our current work or search our extensive GBV Resource Library below.

GBV Resource Library


Our library of resources on GBV prevention and response contains over 300 documents including guidance notes, programming tools, research and practice-based learning from previous and current programmes.

Search our library of GBV Resources

If you would like to hear more about our work on Gender-Based Violence (GBV), please reach out to Tina Musuya, Head of the GBV Portfolio,

Further Resources on GBV Prevention and Response

Guía COVID-19 para servicios a distancia de VBG centrada en la gestión de casos por teléfono y servicios de atención en línea

Este recurso presenta opciones para adaptar la gestión de casos de VBG al contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19 con el fin de que las sobrevivientes puedan continuar accediendo y recibiendo servicios seguros y confidenciales. Se centra sobre todo en la gestión de casos por teléfono.

Directives COVID-19 sur les services à distance de lutte contre la violence basée sur le genre concentrées sur la gestion des cas par téléphone et sur les lignes d’assistance téléphonique

Cette ressource présente des options pour une meilleure adaptation de la gestion des cas de VBG dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19, afin que les survivantes puissent continuer à accéder et à recevoir des services sûrs et confidentiels. Elle se concentre spécifiquement sur la gestion des cas par téléphone.

الموجز التعليمي الثالث: الآثار المترتبة عن العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي عبر التكنولوجيا والإجراءات التي ينبغي أن تتخذها الوكالات الإنسانية والجهات المانحة والصناعات الرقمية

يتطرّق الموجز التعليمي الثالث من هذه السلسلة التعليميّة⁧⁩ إلى بعض الآثار الأوسع نطاقا للعنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي عبر التكنولوجيا. ويقدّم توصيات لأصحاب المصلحة الرئيسين، بما فيهم الوكالات الإنسانية والجهات المانحة والصناعات الرقمية بشأن الإجراءات ذات الأولوية التي يجب اتخاذها للوقاية من العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي والاستجابة له.

Resumen de aprendizaje número 3: las implicaciones de la violencia basada en el género facilitada por la tecnología y las medidas a tomar por parte de las agencias humanitarias, los donantes y las industrias digitales.

Este tercer resumen de aprendizaje en la serie se enfoca en algunas de las repercusiones más importantes de la VBGFT y, asimismo, ofrece recomendaciones para las principales partes interesadas, las cuales incluyen las agencias humanitarias, los donantes y las industrias digitales en cuanto a las acciones prioritarias que se deben llevar acabo para prevenir y responder a la VBGFT.

Annotated Bibliography on Engaging Boys to Become Allies in GBV Prevention

Engaging boys (up to age 18) is a critical yet under-explored area of GBV prevention in emergencies. This annotated bibliography provides an overview of relevant literature, evaluations, and programmatic examples for engaging boys in GBV prevention programming with a focus on high and middle-income settings and—to the extent knowledge exists— humanitarian contexts.

Madhya Pradesh Impact Evaluation of the Safe Cities Initiative

Unlike most other VAWG initatives, the programme aimed to tackle both intimate partner violence (IPV) as well as violence experienced by women and girls in public spaces. The programme sought to do so through targeted interventions with women's self-help groups (SHGs) and work with men and boys. This was a complex evaluation into highly sensitive issues and as such, it needed a highly specialist team of VAWG and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) experts.

Our team developed an evaluation design with two integrated components:

What works to prevent online and offline child sexual exploitation and abuse? Review of national education strategies in East Asia and the Pacific

This review of national education strategies in East Africa and the Pacific explores the current and comparative risks for under-18s in the region from online sexual abuse and exploitation. It looks at the specific vulnerabilities and drivers for abuse, and how these can be prevented through education strategies.