Julienne is an SDDirect Senior Associate with 20 years of experience working in research, evaluation and capacity building. She has a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Melbourne and after starting her career in academic teaching and research, she made the shift to full time applied research in international development. She has extensive experience working in fragile and conflict-affected settings, and specialises in preventing gender-based violence and violence against children, women, peace and security, and girls’ education.
Julienne has designed and managed large and complex research and evaluation projects, including overseeing multi-country teams. She has strong technical skills in quantitative, qualitative and participatory methods, and the design and implementation of formative, process and summative evaluations, and experimental and quasi-experimental impact evaluations. She has worked with governments and national and international NGOs on developing monitoring, evaluation and learning frameworks and theory of change models, particularly for violence prevention programming.
Julienne has worked across a diverse portfolio of programmes. She was a Technical Advisor for the What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls Global Programme, funded by UK Aid, supporting research in Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Nepal, and supporting evidence and capacity building across the wider global programme. While living in Afghanistan, she was the Technical Director for the longitudinal external evaluations of the two largest FCDO Girls Education Challenge (GEC) projects in Afghanistan. More recently, Julienne has been leading evidence and capacity building in GBV prevention programming in various geographical contexts, including in Southern Africa, the Middle East and East Asia and the Pacific. She has worked across a range of different violence prevention interventions, including those that engage religious and faith-based actors, promote women’s social and economic empowerment, facilitate community social norms change and target violence against children in schools.
Julienne has worked with SDDirect on a number of engagements. She was the Afghanistan country lead on the evaluation of the UK Government’s National Action Plan (NAP) on Women, Peace and Security, and was the Team Leader for the evaluation of Denmark’s second and third NAPs on UNSCR 1325. She conducted a study for FCDO’s Girls Education Challenge on violence against children in school settings, across the programme’s portfolio in 17 countries. She also supported SDDirect with the development of materials for the UN Women implementation package of the UN RESPECT Framework, including designing a monitoring and evaluation guide with impact and outcome indicators, and guidance for their use and implementation. More recently Julienne has been leading a small team of SDDirect consultants who are supporting UNFPA Syria with the design, adaptation, research and evaluation of a four-year GBV prevention pilot.