Jeanne Ward is an internationally recognized expert on gender-based violence (GBV). She provides technical leadership, training, assessment and evaluation support to UN agencies, INGOs, NGOs/CBOs and government partners in developing and improving GBV-related research, policies, systems, and programs. She also supports agencies and systems to improve protections from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA). Currently based in Kenya, she has consulted to several dozen countries spanning all regions of the world, with a particular emphasis on areas affected by conflict and disasters.
She is the author of numerous publications on GBV, and has developed globally disseminated tools and guidelines for humanitarian and development settings. Most recently she led the revisions to the 2005 global guidelines on GBV for humanitarian settings (2015); drafted a comprehensive web tool for UN Women on designing, implementing and monitoring Violence Against Women and Girls' (VAWG) programming in humanitarian settings (2012); and wrote the first-ever comprehensive guidelines on coordinating GBV in humanitarian settings (2010). She also developed the first training tools for PSEA for focal points and managers. She has taught at Smith College, Columbia University, and University College Dublin.