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Gender-Based Violence

Our role on GBV prevention and response

An image of women's hands palm-faced down touching fingertips in a circular position. Our global Gender-Based Violence (GBV) team provides strategic technical support to actors across the GBV ecosystem from donors to community-level women-led organisations. We are a multi-disciplinary team delivering programme design and implementation support, advocacy, research reports, MEL and helpdesk services.

Our team aspires to apply our feminist principles in all our work and to support sustained and transformative change. We partner with diverse stakeholders and we take an intersectional approach to our work on GBV prevention and response across development and humanitarian contexts.

Our work includes primary prevention programming, community-level response to GBV and SEAH, school-related GBV, GBV in Emergencies, Technology-Facilitated GBV, Violence against LGBTQI+ communities, and GBV in Climate and Economic programming.

Read more about our current work or search our extensive GBV Resource Library below.

GBV Resource Library


Our library of resources on GBV prevention and response contains over 300 documents including guidance notes, programming tools, research and practice-based learning from previous and current programmes.

Search our library of GBV Resources

If you would like to hear more about our work on Gender-Based Violence (GBV), please reach out to Tina Musuya, Head of the GBV Portfolio,

Further Resources on GBV Prevention and Response

Reflections from the Women Deliver 2023 conference

I’m still recovering from a great week spent in Kigali for the Women Deliver Conference 2023. This event saw over 6,000 delegates come together under the theme; Spaces, Solidarity, Solutions.  I felt privileged to navigate this space with fellow feminist colleagues and yes, hundreds of selfies were captured, and thousands of hugs exchanged. As I always say, the best part of these conferences is the connections made with my feminist community. There are many reflections from the conference, and I’ll attempt to share some of them here.

Estrategias de Salida en Caso de Cierre Prematuro y Permanente de un Programa de Respuesta de Emergencia a la Violencia Basada en el Género

El objetivo de esta breve nota orientativa es proporcionar a las encargadas de responder a la Violencia Basada en el Género una guía práctica sobre la elaboración de estrategias de salida y planes de contingencia. Esto es para garantizar que estén preparadas en caso de que un programa de respuesta de emergencia a la Violencia Basada en el Género se vea obligado a cerrar de forma permanente y prematura con poca antelación.

مذكرة إرشادية: استراتيجيات الخروج في حالة الإغلاق المبكر والدائم لبرامج الاستجابة لحالات طوارئ العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي

الهدف من هذه المذكرة الإرشادية الموجزة هو تزويد المستجيبات الدوليات للعنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي بإرشادات عملية حول وضع استراتيجيات الخروج وخطط الطوارئ. وهذا للتأكد من استعدادهن في حالة اضطرار برامج الاستجابة لحالات طوارئ العنف القائم على النوع الاجتماعي إلى الإغلاق المبكر والدائم دون إشعار يُذكر.

Stratégies de sortie en cas de cessation prématurée et définitive d’un programme d'intervention d'urgence de lutte contre la violence basée sur le genre (VBG)

L'objectif de cette courte note d'orientation est de fournir aux intervenantes internationales de la lutte contre la violence basée sur le genre des conseils pratiques sur l'élaboration de stratégies de sortie et de plans d'urgence. Il s'agit de s'assurer qu'elles sont préparées en cas de cessation définitive, prématurée et sans préavis, d’un programme d'intervention d'urgence de lutte contre la violence basée sur le genre.

Ending Violence Against LGBTQI+ People: Global evidence and emerging insights into what works

This report provides an overview of evidence of violence against LGBTQI+ communities globally, as well as identifies emerging interventions and practice in preventing violence against LGBTQI+ people. The magnitude and severity of violence against LGBTQI+ people revealed by this evidence review is extremely alarming, and show why efforts to prevent violence against LGBTQI+ people must be urgently accelerated.

SDDirect briefing on the LGBTIQ+ rights crisis in Uganda: Reports from the ground

This resource summarises the current situation in Uganda for LGBTQI+ representing people since the passing of the Anti-Homosexuality Act (2023). It includes evidence of impact, response from humanitarian groups and workers so far, and more. 

This briefing contains some graphic details from reliable sources inside Uganda that may be disturbing or ‘triggering’ for some readers.


Technology- Facilitated Gender- Based Violence: Preliminary Landscape Analysis

This report examines technology-facilitated gender-based violence, highlighting the impacts of online violence towards women and girls in their interaction with social and political spaces, as well as the impacts towards their physical and mental health. With emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, we are seeing a greater digital divide between genders and an increase in the weaponisation of technology against women and girls. 

여성 및 여아에게 안전한 공간 (WGSS)과 원스톱 센터(OSC)의 핵심 기능 및 차이 이해하기

본 자료는 젠더 기반 폭력(GBV) 실무자, 재난상황 시 정신건강 및 심리ㆍ사회적 지원(MHPSS) 및 보건 전문가뿐만 아니라 인도적 지원 환경에서 활동하는 정책 입안자들에게 여성 및 여아에게 안전한 공간(WGSS)과 원스톱 센터(OSC)의 차이를 이해할 수 있도록 지원하기 위해 개발되었다. 본 자료에는 각 서비스 유형의 주요 특성 및 이점 소개, 사업 계획 및 실행 단계에서 해결해야 할 각 서비스의 잠재적 한계에 대한 설명 등 다양한 도구와 지침이 수록되어 있다. 본 자료는 주어진 환경에서 젠더 기반 폭력 생존자를 위한 포괄적인 관리를 보장하는 방법을 고려할 때 참조할 수 있는 유용한 자료이며, 이는 원스톱 센터와 같은 하나의 서비스 유형이 다른 서비스보다 더 대우받지 않도록 보장하고 여성과 소녀들이 젠더 기반 폭력 경험 시 안전과 보호에 접근할 수 있는 장소와 시기를 선택할 수 있도록 옹호하는 데 도움이 된다. 따라서 OSC는 WGSS를 대체하지 않고, 서로 보완적인 역할을 수행해야 함을 본 자료는 강조한다.

مذكرة إرشادية موجزة: تحليل المخاطر لتعزيز التنفيذ الآمن لبرامج الاستجابة والوقاية من العنف المبني على النوع الاجتماعي

يقدم هذا الدليل أولاً مناقشة موجزة لتحليلات المخاطر لبرمجة الاستجابة والوقاية، ثم يقدم عينات من قوائم المراجعة للمكونات الرئيسية للتحليلات. وتختتم الوثيقة بقائمة من الموارد التكميلية لمزيد من المعلومات وتصميم تحليلات المخاطر وتنفيذها.