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Gender-Based Violence

Our role on GBV prevention and response

An image of women's hands palm-faced down touching fingertips in a circular position. Our global Gender-Based Violence (GBV) team provides strategic technical support to actors across the GBV ecosystem from donors to community-level women-led organisations. We are a multi-disciplinary team delivering programme design and implementation support, advocacy, research reports, MEL and helpdesk services.

Our team aspires to apply our feminist principles in all our work and to support sustained and transformative change. We partner with diverse stakeholders and we take an intersectional approach to our work on GBV prevention and response across development and humanitarian contexts.

Our work includes primary prevention programming, community-level response to GBV and SEAH, school-related GBV, GBV in Emergencies, Technology-Facilitated GBV, Violence against LGBTQI+ communities, and GBV in Climate and Economic programming.

Read more about our current work or search our extensive GBV Resource Library below.

GBV Resource Library


Our library of resources on GBV prevention and response contains over 300 documents including guidance notes, programming tools, research and practice-based learning from previous and current programmes.

Search our library of GBV Resources

If you would like to hear more about our work on Gender-Based Violence (GBV), please reach out to Tina Musuya, Head of the GBV Portfolio,

Further Resources on GBV Prevention and Response

Financements Humanitaires Destinés à des Organisations et Groupes de Femmes au Niveau National/Local

Les femmes du monde entier vivent des expériences différentes de celles des hommes, façonnées par des normes qui perpétuent l’inégalité des genres. À son tour, cette inégalité des genres favorise les multiples formes de violence auxquelles les femmes et les jeunes filles sont exposées tout au long de leur vie. Dans les contextes humanitaires, certains types de violence à l’égard des femmes et des jeunes filles (VFF), également connus sous le nom de violences basées sur le genre ou VBG) peuvent augmenter.

Financiación Humanitaria para Organizaciones y Grupos de Mujeres Nacionales/Locales

Las mujeres de todo el mundo han vivido experiencias que son diferentes a las de los hombres, informadas por normas que perpetúan la desigualdad de género. Esta desigualdad de género, a su vez, sustenta las múltiples formas de violencia a las que las mujeres y las niñas están expuestas a lo largo de su vida. En contextos humanitarios, ciertos tipos de violencia contra las mujeres y las niñas, (también denominada Violencia basada en el Género, o VG) pueden aumentar.

التمويل اإلنساني للمنظمات والجمعات النسائية الوطنية / المحلية

تعيش النساء في جميع أنحاء العالم تجارب مختلفة عن الرجال، في ظل معايير ترسخ عدم المساواة الجندرية. حيث يؤدي هذا التفاوت بدوره إلى تعزيز أشكال متعددة من العنف الذي ت تعرض له النساء والفتيات طيلة حياتهن. في األوضاع اإلنسانية، يمكن أن تزداد بعض أشكال العنف بالعنف القائم على النوع االجتماعي(.

Tina Musuya

Tina provides technical advice and leadership to SDDirect's work in the field of Gender Based Violence (GBV) prevention. She helps to ensure that the work of in-house staff and consultants is evidence-based, draws on practice-based knowledge and is of a high quality.

Joint evaluation of the UN Joint Programme on Aids on preventing and responding to violence against women and girls

Assessing the Joint Programme's accountability to end Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) and address the bi-directional nature of VAWG and HIV (where VAWG can be an indirect/direct factor for increased HIV risk, and HIV status and disclosure can lead to violence).

Prevention of, and Response to, Gender-Based Violence in Settings Affected by Natural Disasters

This guidance note offers an introduction to how disasters are likely to increase as a result of climate change and the disproprotionate effect they have on women, particularly in terms of increasing their vulnerability to GBV. It highlights lessons from disasters in Asia and Pacific region on how to improve GBV preparedness, response and recovery.