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Gender-Based Violence

Our role on GBV prevention and response

An image of women's hands palm-faced down touching fingertips in a circular position. Our global Gender-Based Violence (GBV) team provides strategic technical support to actors across the GBV ecosystem from donors to community-level women-led organisations. We are a multi-disciplinary team delivering programme design and implementation support, advocacy, research reports, MEL and helpdesk services.

Our team aspires to apply our feminist principles in all our work and to support sustained and transformative change. We partner with diverse stakeholders and we take an intersectional approach to our work on GBV prevention and response across development and humanitarian contexts.

Our work includes primary prevention programming, community-level response to GBV and SEAH, school-related GBV, GBV in Emergencies, Technology-Facilitated GBV, Violence against LGBTQI+ communities, and GBV in Climate and Economic programming.

Read more about our current work or search our extensive GBV Resource Library below.

GBV Resource Library


Our library of resources on GBV prevention and response contains over 300 documents including guidance notes, programming tools, research and practice-based learning from previous and current programmes.

Search our library of GBV Resources

If you would like to hear more about our work on Gender-Based Violence (GBV), please reach out to Tina Musuya, Head of the GBV Portfolio,

Further Resources on GBV Prevention and Response

Moyo Olemekezeka Social Empowerment Manual

The social empowerment component of Moyo Olemekezeka is the first part of a two-part workshop series aiming to develop familial environments to create protected spaces for women and girls from sexual and gender-based violence (GBV). This part will focus on empowering healthy and safe social environments for women and girls trough skill-building, communications strategies, participation, and more. 

Gender Transformative Curriculum Part B

These training materials are part of series relating to the prevention and response of gender-based violence (GBV) within the judiciary system in Malawi. The documents are a step-by-step training course to support survivors in the aftermath of instances, targeting four main groups: justice duty bearers, the Malawi police service, social welfare and health service organizations and involved parties, and traditional and community justice duty bearers. 

Gender Transformative Curriculum Part A

This training material is Part A of a series of building survivor-based support system within gender-based violence (GBV) judiciary systems in Malawi. The resource will allow for a step-by-step process to implement this within judiciary systems, developing the capacity in which survivors can rely on authority figures for help and support. Throughout the course, the aim is to create a culture of survivor-based systems within social norms, attitudes, and values, in support of challenging GBV against women and girls in Malawi. 

Tip sheet: Inclusive recruitment practices for GBViE program staff and volunteers

In emergencies, GBV program managers often set up new programs or rapidly expand existing programs to address a significant change in needs. The rapid set up and need for services can result in hiring practices that rely on and reinforce existing power structures, access to opportunities, and cultural bias. This tip sheet covers inclusive recruitment practices for GBViE program staff and volunteers.

Tip sheet: Working safely and effectively with linguistic and cultural mediators

In many contexts where we work, implementing GBViE activities safely for GBV survivors and women and girls at risk of GBV will require attention and resources to overcome language and cultural barriers. It is necessary that women and girls who disclose difficult or traumatic experiences can do so using a language in which they are comfortable. In such contexts we may need to draw on the specific support of professionals with a specific skillset who can help us understand adequately: these are interpreters and linguistic and cultural mediators.

Towards More Inclusive and Gender Transformative Programming to Address Violence Against Women and Girls

In February 2021, the Tithetse Nkhanza (TN) team came together (virtually) to review the programme’s gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) strategy. In this brief, members of the Tithetse Nkhanza team reflected on the process of integrating GESI into the programme and why it has been important, and discussing lessons learned.

Technical Briefing Note: Measuring the Attendance of People with Disabilities in Community Engagement Activities for a VAWG Programme

This technical briefing note seeks to share learning from this pilot process with other programmes that seek to improve the extent to which they measure the presence of people with disabilities in violence against women and girls (VAWG) prevention and response activities at the community level.

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Strategy

The Tithetse Nkhanza programme is committed to being gender transformative and to leaving no one behind. This document provides an overview to our overarching, cross-programme Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Strategy, which aims to ensure we are systematic and pragmatic about embedding this ambition, and that we can track our progress. This strategy will provide a guiding framework throughout the lifespan of the programme setting out what we want to achieve on gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) and how we aim to accomplish this.