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Supporting Companies to Develop and Manage Community-Based Grievance and Feedback Mechanisms Regarding Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment

SDDirect was contracted by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to support companies to better manage the risk of SEAH in their operations. A company self-assessment tool previously developed by SDDirect with IFC in 2021 was piloted with a small number of companies alongside the development of a toolkit for private sector companies to develop and manage community-based Grievance and Feedback Mechanisms Regarding Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (SEAH).  

Annotated Bibliography: Review of Technical Resources on Honor-Based Abuse in the Middle East and North Africa Region

This annotated bibliography provides an overview of relevant literature and resources on Honor-Based Abuse (HBA) within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region and among communities from MENA living in the diaspora. Intended to support the development of training materials for first-line responders, especially police officers who may engage with survivors of HBA in MENA, the bibliography focuses primarily on training tools and programmatic guidance on responding to cases of HBA.

SDDirect at the SVRI Forum 2024 brochure

This is the Social Development Direct (SDDirect) event brochure for the SVRI Forum 2024. This interactive document, featuring clickable buttons, showcases SDDirect’s global programmes and highlights the key sessions and events where our colleagues and partners will be actively participating. At the Forum, we focus on our work in gender-based violence and safeguarding, addressing critical issues such as feminist approaches to humanitarian action and violence against LGBTQI+ populations.

Tip Sheet: The Inclusion and Participation of Older Women in GBViE Programs

This tip sheet highlights the importance of inclusion of older women in GBV in emergencies (GBViE) programming. It reviews key terms and concepts related to addressing the needs of older women; examines global data on aging women, and on GBV affecting older women; presents relevant frameworks and tools for improving response and prevention programming; and summarizes tools and resources for further advocacy and action.